Parent Education

  1.   Helping You to Understand Your Rights and Options for Your Child

  2.   Consultation and Education About Your Child’s Disability

  3.   Learning about Appropriate Services and Teaching Techniques

  4.   Empowering You to Advocate for Your Child

Case Assessment

  1.   Document Review

  2.   Assessment Interpretation

  3.   School Observations

  4.   Educational Placement Site Visits


  1.   Attend TEAM and Other School Meetings (Including Disciplinary Hearings)

  2.   Prepare and Discuss Strategies Tailored to Your Child’s Needs

  3.   Telephone, Mail and E-mail Correspondence With the School and TEAM

  4.   Negotiate the Appropriate Education Services for Your Child

  5.   Assist in IEP Discussions and Drafting

  6.   Critique, Review and Contribute to IEP and 504 Plan Development


  1.   Provide Referrals for Assessment, Legal, and Outside Service Providers



Welcome     About      Services     Contact     Links

Fran Perlman, M.Ed.

Phone:  (978) 443-8546

Fax:       (978) 443-5687